Assessment of the level of knowledge about infodemic in two university institutions in Peru




Understanding, phenomenon of the infodemic, university students


Objective: The general purpose of this research study is to describe the understanding of students belonging to two universities; about the phenomenon of the infodemic, which arose during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic (Lima-2023). Method: The study is observational, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and with a descriptive level, where the
population was selected from two universities located in the metropolitan area of the city of Lima, between a public institution and another private one, with a sample of 100 students from the last years of their university studies. Regarding the sample, data were evaluated and collected using a research instrument, with the survey being the selected modality, which was developed independently. Result: The results acquired from graphs 21 to 29 show that, although there are 22% of students who did know about the concept of infodemic and who had also received an explanation at the university on the subject, 88% of the students had no idea about this infodemic phenomenon that appears during the pandemic period and they did not receive information about the topic either. Conclusion: It was discovered that the majority of students from both institutions do not have knowledge or are not informed regarding the phenomenon of the infodemic.


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How to Cite

Takahashi-Ferrer CM, Chávez-Chávez JG, Chávez-Chávez JC, Poemape-Lira JE. Assessment of the level of knowledge about infodemic in two university institutions in Peru. Diagnóstico [nternet]. 2024 Oct. 11 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];63(3):e537. vailable from:



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